Worried about what you are "really" eating? Have peace of mind with pasture grazed meats.
Here is our line up for 2016 Pasture Grazed Steers. These are mature pasture grazed beef!
The steers pictured below:
Contact us if you would like to try some real beef!
Notice the horizontal lines along the belly in some of the above photos. These lines are called “Happy Lines”. Happy lines indicate good fat cover and Happy Beef! Based on last years harvested steers, the meat from these steers should have an excellent fatty acid profile! The Omega 6 to 3 Ratio should be excellent. The CLA content of beef is a result of consuming actively growing green forages at the time of harvest. The forages in our pasture this year are excellent.
We are blessed to have had the opportunity to raise these animals. Please pray that the harvest and processing of these animals will go well and that they will provide health to those who consume their meat.