Beef Heavy Metal Testing Results

In a previous post we listed the Fatty Acid test results from our participation in the BioNutrient Beef Study. In this post we display the results of the Heavy Metal tests. The charts below show the average testing results for 78 Grain-Fed samples, 251 Grass-Fed samples and 3 samples from DS Family Farm beef. These results were from data received in January 2024. The beef samples we submitted were from our 2022 growing season.

Heavy Metal Poisoning

Exposure to heavy metals in our environment and food can result in poisoning symptoms such as abdominal pain, feeling weak, nausea, diarrhea or numbness in your hands and feet. Heavy metals can bioaccumulate over time in your body, resulting in these listed symptoms or others. From the information provided below, you will see that the beef tested as part of the BioNutrient Study are safe for the heavy metals tested. Many of the beef samples tested are from smaller farming operations.

    BioNutrient Institute Beef Study Results – Heavy Metals

    Two heavy metals tested showed ZERO testing level resutls:

    • Ba – Barium = 0 mg/100 g
    • Pb – Lead = 0 mg/100 g

    Additional testing results displayed in the following graphs.

    I have read that if your body is severely limited in essential minerals, it may try taking on heavy metals in place of a mineral. For example, if your body is severely low in Zinc, it may take on Cadmium as Zinc and Cadmium have similar chemical characteristics.

    We will follow up this post with the Mineral Testing Results.