Grazing ice cream grass

In our solar powered steer post we described how cattle will select the tips of plants first, grazing to capture the highest amount of energy available.  We call this grazing off the “ice cream”.  Here is a video link from this past weekend of…

Solar Powered Steer

Cows have been described as “starvation” animals.  Meaning that about every waking moment they feel on the verge of starving to death.  So their natural instinct is to eat like it might be their last meal.  When they can’t eat anymore they rest and chew their cud.  Then back…

Animal Impact – reed canary grass example

Planned pasture grazing requires orchestrating cattle movement.  Yep we think of our cattle moves like making music but we are really trying to get some desired effect applied to the land.  Here is an animal impact example from this past spring.  In an area invaded by…

Bringing Back The Pollinators!

What are you doing to help pollinating creatures big and small?  At DS Family Farm we celebrated “Pollinator Week” by setting aside a large patch of Milkweed!  In the photo below our cattle herd is moving through this paddock on daily moves.  When they reach this section of the…

Pasture Grazed vs Grassfed Beef

We use the terms “Pasture Grazed” and “Grassfed” to describe our cattle operation.  So what’s the difference? The term grassfed (grass fed, grass-fed) refers to animals that are raised entirely without grain as part of their diet.  Cattle are ruminants (have four stomachs) for digestion…