Worried about what you are "really" eating? Have peace of mind with pasture grazed meats.
“When the cows leave the farm, the people eventually leave, and the community crumbles, lets bring them back.”
livestock on the land
What a powerful quote from the film “Livestock On The Land”. A film by our friends at the Practical Farmers of Iowa. We have found the information freely provided by the Practical Farmers of Iowa to be of great help in our journey of raising pasture grazed cattle and chickens. If you are considering raising pastured animals or looking to farm using sustainable/regenerative techniques, their website is worth reviewing!
We previously have written about Cattle as a Keystone Species in our ecosystem and how important they are in natural nutrient cycles. The quote above takes the importance of the Cow to the pinnacle, of actually holding Families and Communities together! How true this is! Of course there are many factors that have lead to the loss of small rural communities, but this film delivers a powerful argument that returning livestock to the land, will ultimately result in the revival of community across our Nation.
We applaud the Practical Farmers of Iowa for preparing and sharing this feature length film. We are more then happy to link here.