CO2 – H20 & Climate Change

Are you worried about climate change? Have you considered healing the patch of soil you control to help mitigate our earth’s natural processes? When we started this series of posts on soil carbon we looked at how carbon flows through air, plants, animals, soil…

How To Measure Soil Carbon

Measuring carbon in the atmosphere for the Northern Hemisphere is tracked by sensors (some developed by Lincoln Nebraska’s LI-COR Biosciences) at the Mauna Loa, Hawaii monitoring location. Atmospheric carbon data is updated on a regular basis and available for use by anyone. Unfortunately there…

Managing Soil Carbon

In a previous post we discussed soil organic matter and the storage of carbon in soil. The key point, plants in association with soil biology create a super highway moving carbon from the atmosphere into soil. This super highway is known as the liquid…

Soil Organic Matter (SOM)

Soil organic matter makes up a small part of all soils. In this area of Nebraska, cropland fields will average around 3% organic matter. SOM is a small but powerful part of any soil. SOM can be thought of as the Soil Bank where…

Soil Carbon – Recorded History

We recently experienced the hottest July in “recorded history”… since around 1890!  I don’t know how long Nebraska has been around but I am pretty sure at least once Nebraska was under water and where our farm is located, at one time it was under…