Schedule cows to MOVE!

How is our beef different from 99% of other beef?  We keep the herd in MOTION.  This requires planning, implementing and tracking.  Grazing guru Joel Salatin says it this way, “I’m just the orchestra conductor, making sure everybody’s in the right place at the right time.”  His…

Mirror or Selfie your microbiome

Back in the day I remember hearing “take a look at yourself in the mirror”.  Today one could probably just say, “take a look at yourself in your selfie”.  Whatever your choice (mirror or selfie), why don’t you take a look at yourself?  What do you…

Gut Health

All disease begins in the gut. – Hippocrates In an earlier post we introduced the benefits of bone broth as part of a healthy diet.  Here we focus on bone broth as it relates to gut health.  “Tens of millions of Americans suffer from digestive disorders.”  This statement…

True Peace

In a recent post titled “Peaceful“, we related a story of a visitor to our farm.  After spending a little time with the herd our visitor mentioned “this is peaceful”.  We feel blessed to have the opportunity to work in God’s creation with our small…

Bone Broth – what’s the big deal

About a year ago national news carried the story of a Bone Broth drive through opening in New York City (move over espresso).  Yes bone broth, you have probably heard it is good for you?  Here at DS Family Farm, the most requests for additional product information is…