Phytonutrients In Beef?

According to WebMD, plants “contain thousands of natural chemicals called “phytonutrients” or phytochemicals. “Phyto” refers to the Greek word for plant.” We are interested in these plant compounds because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the plants, AND these effects when transferred to…

Wildlife Tank Escape Ramp – 5 minutes

A grazing neighbor asked for help making wildlife ramps for some new livestock tanks he was installing. If you don’t know what a wildlife tank ramp is, it is simply a device to help wildlife escape from a livestock tank if they happen to…


Eleven years ago, in 2013, the beef herd experienced the arrival of our FIRSTBORN calf. On Easter Day 2024, we are excited to announce the arrival of the FIRSTBORN lamb to the sheep flock. Revitalizing a prairie using animals Over the past decade the…

2023 Pasture Pork

This is our second year raising and grazing pasture pigs. We have made changes from our experience last year. In 2022 we used a Mobile Pig Pen and you can read our summary from year one. In 2023 we doubled the herd size to…

2023 Grassfed Beef

Our annual line up of some Pasture Grazed Beef. 100% Grassfed and 100% Grass Finished Beef. No Grains ever. Fat cover and supple hides are a result of frequent moves to a fresh patch of forage every part of the year. Yes our beef…