Annual Omega 6:3 Ratio Update

We first harvested grass-fed beef (what we call Pasture Grazed Beef) in 2015. Before harvesting our first beef, we researched the science of pasture-raised animals and how they were unique. One key indicator of beef raised on an all-grass diet is the resulting Omega…

Bionutrient Forage Results

Last year we enrolled in the “Defining Nutrient Density BEEF” project being conducted by THE BIONUTRIENT INSTITUTE (see our June 2022 blog post). We are still waiting for the analysis reports from the harvested beef samples. At this time we do have the Forage…

Grazing Through A Dry Summer

For most of the 2022 summer, our pasture has not been in a “drought” as defined by the U.S. Drought Monitor. At the end of August, we have slipped into the category of “D1 – Moderate Drought”. We are thankful for the timely rains…

Bionutrients in Beef?

What is a “bionutrient”? If you search the internet, you will find NASA has a definition for it. Trust us, we are more interested in the work of the Bionutrient Food Association than what NASA is experimenting with. We have been watching the mission,…

Avian Flu

The birds were chirping out our window this morning. Here is a quick list of the wild bird species observed around our place over the past few days: Robin Finch Red Wing Black Bird Cardinal Grackle Mourning Dove Ring-Necked Dove Swallows Blue Wing Teal…