2015 First Calf

It is that time of year.  The time of year that all Cow-Calf producers work for year round, calving time.  We are happy to share the 2015 first calf photos below. Please share any comments on our Facebook page and feel free to stop by during the…

Pasture Grazed vs Grassfed Beef

We use the terms “Pasture Grazed” and “Grassfed” to describe our cattle operation.  So what’s the difference? The term grassfed (grass fed, grass-fed) refers to animals that are raised entirely without grain as part of their diet.  Cattle are ruminants (have four stomachs) for digestion…

Weaning calves

Weaning time can be stressful for cow, calf and cowboy.  Traditionally, weaning calves meant to separate the cows and calves by distance.  For example the herd was brought into a corral where calves would be separated from the cows.  The cows would then be sent out to pasture…

Weaning Weight

We will be weaning calves later this week.  Our grassfed cows work year round, but we do give the cows about two months off from providing milk to a calf.  The last calf crop was born mid-May 2014 and the calves have had momma’s milk…

2015 Grassfed Beef Progress Report 1

Last July we posted a few photos of the first steers we will have available later this year as grassfed – grassfinished beef.  The steers have lost some of that summer time sickness and put on their winter coats.  Finishing these animals are a work in progress.  We are…