This month we reach the 10 year milestone of grazing cattle here at DS Family Farm. Since July 2011 we have embraced “Fresh Grass and Move” management with the cattle herd. Prior to the cattle arriving, we spent about 15 years managing the pastures…

Chicken Omega 6:3 Ratio

We have six years of Omega 6:3 data on DS Family Farm grassfed beef, so this past year we decided to test our No Soy – No Corn, GMO free Pasture Chickens. The first thing to remember is that a chicken is not a…

Soil Health under snow

Soil microbes function at some of their highest levels under snow. Snow provides insulation.

Herd behavior

Appropriate animal impact is a main area of focus at DS Family Farm. We are constantly trying to balance herd size with available forage over an area that will experience appropriate herd impact. The goal is to keep the herd happy while at the…

2020 Grassfed beef

Harvest time has arrived. It just makes sense that the best time to harvest Certified Grassfed Beef is from pasture, with green forages, near the end of the growing season. Our pastures are predominantly warm-seasons grasses and as August comes to a close, our…