The Factory on our Farm

Raising Pasture Grazed grassfed beef from conception to table is not an easy task.  We may have four different animal classes in our herd at any one time.  But it all starts with the COW, the factory on our farm! We make our cows…

2017 Pasturegrazed Beef

We continue to learn and adapt to raising beef in nature’s image.  Our Animal Welfare Approved and Certified Grassfed beef are not pampered.  These steers were never separated from the rest of the herd and fed a high energy diet to lay on fat. …

Weird Beef

Unfortunately, our beef is not normal. Looking at a “normal distribution” of HOW all beef is raised in our country, we are definitely weird! Normal is for the masses, we like being weird!  No status quo around here.  Actually, if you look at the…

Farm Audit

Visit our farm if you are curious about how we care for the herd and pastures.  Public roads boarder two sides of the farm, so drive by inspections are possible any day of the year.  Please call ahead to make sure we are around…

Labels, certifications, what do they mean?

We advertise our beef herd as “Animal Welfare Approved” and “Certified Grassfed by AWG“, but what do these labels mean?  I don’t know about you, but when it comes to checking out claims, I turn to Consumer Reports.  In August 2015, Consumer Reports published a “Beef Report“:…