Freeze proof tank

In an effort to mimic nature, the cattle herd is constantly on the move. Mimicking the roaming bison herds that developed the prairies in this part of Nebraska. The past two winters herd impact was focused on new pasture areas near our home and the herd had access to water from the house well. In 2021, it was time to get some animal impact on stockpile pastures only served by a water well with a solar pump.

The information highlighted in this post is a follow-up to a video (Livestock freeze proof water tank 2018 video) posted in conjunction with a blog titled “Subzero Frost Free Tank“. The “Subzero Frost Free Tank” post describes the steps used to install the tank and includes an overview of how the solar pump system works. We were recently surprised to see that the 2018 video had over 8,700 views at the time of this post.

Since this is a topic of interest to others, we are happy to post the video below and provide an update on powering the solar pump when our farm experiences multiple days without sunshine.

2021 Freeze Proof Tank and Solar Power Backup video:

The above video is not expected to go “viral” but we do think there should be more COW videos and less cat videos!