Pasture Grazed Burgers

Home cooks and backyard grillers!  You can grill your Pasture Grazed (100% grassfed/grass finished) ground beef like any other ground beef, if you like.  Want to try something new?  Consider being a little more “Gentle”.  Cooking your 100% grassfed/grass finished burger actually requires less heat, and less time. If you’re used to putting the grill or the burner on nearly maximum heat, consider turning it down a notch or two. On each side, try cooking 20 seconds less than you would for typical beef.

AND please do not “squish” the juice out of 100% grassfed/grass finished burgers.  The juice (fat) contains the flavor and healthy nutrients!

  • Prep Time: 15m
  • Cook Time: 10m


  • 1 pound Pasture Grazed Ground Beef


Consider the following guidelines:

  1. Form patties slightly wider than your bun and about half an inch thick.
  2. Heat up a cast iron, other pan or grill over medium-high heat. Remember, 100% grassfed/grass finished needs slightly lower heat.
  3. When the pan is hot, add enough neutral oil or fat (butter, olive oil, coconut oil) to coat the bottom of the pan or grates, let heat up for a minute or two.
  4. Gently add the patty and listen for a sizzle. Set a timer for 3 minutes. Don’t fuss: keep the fat in by leaving that patty alone.
  5. Salt the top of the patty, then flip. Set another timer for 3 minutes. Remember grassfed needs less cooking time.
  6. Salt the second side, then optionally add the cheese at the 1:30 mark.
  7. Let rest for one minute (to finish the cooking process).
  8. Top with your favorites. Enjoy!

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