Worried about what you are "really" eating? Have peace of mind with pasture grazed meats.
According to WebMD, plants “contain thousands of natural chemicals called “phytonutrients” or phytochemicals. “Phyto” refers to the Greek word for plant.” We are interested in these plant compounds because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the plants, AND these effects when transferred to…
How to identify a quality eating experience grass finished beef The image below points out some things to look for on the “hoof” of a grass finished beef. Looking for these few items should get you a long way in making sure the “grassfed”…
Since 2015 we have tested our harvested Pasture Grazed Beef fatty acid profile. The 2023 grazing season presented some challenges as we navigated, and continue to experience an extended drought. For much of the past growing season, our farm was in D4 (Exceptional Drought),…
Our annual line up of some Pasture Grazed Beef. 100% Grassfed and 100% Grass Finished Beef. No Grains ever. Fat cover and supple hides are a result of frequent moves to a fresh patch of forage every part of the year. Yes our beef…
With Earth Day 2023 fast approaching, we are happy to partner with the Good Meat Project to be Nebraska’s local Grassfed beef provider of “The Real Burger of Earth Day“. Purchasing Pasture Grazed beef from DS Family Farm is a great way to celebrate…