Beef or Carrots

How do you want to get your vitamins?  When it comes to fat-soluble vitamins, choose pasture grazed and raised beef!  Let’s take a quick tour of the important vitamins found in animal fats A, D3 and K2. Vitamin A This vitamins proper name “retinol”…

Good Fats Checkup

We are all bio-chemically unique and thankfully so!  Consuming a balanced healthy diet to match our uniqueness is a challenge in today’s fast paced and highly processed world.  Pasture grazed meats can benefit everyone’s diet.  Whether you are low-fat or low-carb, source pasture grazed…

Mothers On Mission (MOM)

We had some AWESOME visitors to our farm in 2017!  When the group of folks pictured below showed up one cold Saturday morning in November, we were a little over whelmed.  So what brought this large group out for a visit? Mothers On Mission The…

Weird Beef

Unfortunately, our beef is not normal. Looking at a “normal distribution” of HOW all beef is raised in our country, we are definitely weird! Normal is for the masses, we like being weird!  No status quo around here.  Actually, if you look at the…