Phytonutrients In Beef?

According to WebMD, plants “contain thousands of natural chemicals called “phytonutrients” or phytochemicals. “Phyto” refers to the Greek word for plant.” We are interested in these plant compounds because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in the plants, AND these effects when transferred to…

2024 Omega 6:3

This marks our tenth year of collecting Omega 6:3 Ratio data on our harvested Grassfed (Pasture Grazed) Beef. This testing generally costs around $250 per sample. We simply take a frozen beef sample, usually ground beef, to Midwest Labs in Omaha Nebraska. The lab…

Junk Food

We have all heard the term “junk food” before. It is used to describe an ultra-HIGH-processed “food like” item such as chips. The poster child for junk food would probably be Doritos and or Pringles. I used to be able to sit down and…

2024 Grassfed Beef

How to identify a quality eating experience grass finished beef The image below points out some things to look for on the “hoof” of a grass finished beef. Looking for these few items should get you a long way in making sure the “grassfed”…

2023 Omega 6:3 Results

Since 2015 we have tested our harvested Pasture Grazed Beef fatty acid profile. The 2023 grazing season presented some challenges as we navigated, and continue to experience an extended drought. For much of the past growing season, our farm was in D4 (Exceptional Drought),…