Bone Broth – what’s the big deal

About a year ago national news carried the story of a Bone Broth drive through opening in New York City (move over espresso).  Yes bone broth, you have probably heard it is good for you?  Here at DS Family Farm, the most requests for additional product information is…

Summary of the Laboratory Analysis of Our Pasture Grazed Beef

This is the third and final post discussing our beef compared to “typical” beef.  If nothing else, I have learned a great deal about the role of fat in my diet as I complete this summary of the laboratory analysis of our Pasture Grazed Beef.  When I asked Midwest Labs…

Omnivores Relax With Real Food

Omnivores, relax with real food!  This was the take home message we found in last evenings PBS documentary “IN DEFENSE OF FOOD”, featuring well known food journalist Michael Pollan. We thought the documentary was well done and echo the main point of the film, when…

Solar Powered Steer

Cows have been described as “starvation” animals.  Meaning that about every waking moment they feel on the verge of starving to death.  So their natural instinct is to eat like it might be their last meal.  When they can’t eat anymore they rest and chew their cud.  Then back…

Paleo Protein

I am always interested in learning about any touted healthy eating options. Most have probably heard of the “Paleo Diet” (Paleo).  Recently a co-worker filled me in on his personal research and experience with this diet. There appears to be different versions of the Paleo…