Soil Carbon – CO2

Let’s continue our discussion of Soil Health and Carbon by taking a closer look at Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Everyone is talking about atmospheric carbon and much of the discussion is based on the now famous Keeling Curve. Named after climate scientist Charles David Keeling,…

Soil Carbon

Atmospheric CO2 levels, climate change and carbon sequestration are all current buzz words in the news. CARBON. Carbon is everywhere. It is one of those elements that is always in a cycle. Remember those nutrient cycle diagrams from elementary school? Cows were always a…

Tea Time compost style

Cows grazing grass, all part of a regenerative process.

Hazelnut M & M’s

Saturday morning, drinking coffee, thinking about tasks to do on the farm when on the T.V. a Hazelnut M & M’s (R) advertisement appears. Hazelnut M & M’s? Doug had never seen this ad before. This seemed odd, as one of Doug’s tasks for…

What’s Really in Your Meat?

If you are eating Pasture Grazed beef, we are confident there are no hallucinogenic party drugs in your meat! Consumer Reports is at it again. Two years ago we wrote a blog post about Consumer Reports – Beef Report (Feb. 2017). That report focused…