Head ’em up, Move ’em on – RAWHIDE

Head ’em up, Move ’em on – RAWHIDE!  I have to admit this brings back memories of the Blues Brothers more than it does of Clint Eastwood (Rowdy Yates).  To be clear, we are not much for Head ’em up around here.  No whips,…

Farm Store Ready For Small Business Saturday

The DS Family Farm Store is up and running.  We were ready for Small Business Saturday, almost.  We now have a section on our website that we invite local folks to check out [Buy From Our Farm]. Why just local folks?  We do not plan on…

Looking For Clean Food?

Would you know what to look for when choosing a Farmer?  That is, choosing a farmer to buy your family’s food from?  Looking for clean food?  Especially locally produced food, that can be a challenge. We have been members of the Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF)…

Grazing ice cream grass

In our solar powered steer post we described how cattle will select the tips of plants first, grazing to capture the highest amount of energy available.  We call this grazing off the “ice cream”.  Here is a video link from this past weekend of…

Solar Powered Steer

Cows have been described as “starvation” animals.  Meaning that about every waking moment they feel on the verge of starving to death.  So their natural instinct is to eat like it might be their last meal.  When they can’t eat anymore they rest and chew their cud.  Then back…