Worried about what you are "really" eating? Have peace of mind with pasture grazed meats.
Sunday October 4, 2015, from 3 PM to 5 PM. Doug and Sheila Garrison invite you to a walk in our pasture. Meet in pasture located one-quarter mile North of US HWY 34 and NW 140th Street, Lancaster County Nebraska (east side of road)….
In our solar powered steer post we described how cattle will select the tips of plants first, grazing to capture the highest amount of energy available. We call this grazing off the “ice cream”. Here is a video link from this past weekend of…
With fall approaching, will share some recent photos from our farm. Through the summer we noticed a few Monarch butterflies. Our pasture contain a nice stand of milkweed which Monarchs need to complete their life cycle. Just this past week the number of monarchs have…
Monitoring of our grazing animals and the impacts on the grasslands we manage is something we do daily. What does the pasture look like ahead of our herd? What does the pasture look like where we just moved from? How do the cattle look (body condition)…
This 2011 photo was taken shortly after our herd of 10 heifers and a bull showed up on our farm. Three years seems like a long time but in the process of turning a startup beef herd into a product you can ship to consumers, well we still have a year…