Cow Farts, Dog Farts…

Let me go on record, certified grassfed cows simply do not pass that much gas. We visit the herd nearly every day and Doug can count on one hand how many times he has heard a pasture grazed beef fart over the past 8…

Fake Meat vs Weird Beef

A scary topic for Halloween… fake meat vs. weird beef (in this past blog post, we call our Pasture Grazed Beef “Weird Beef”, read the post to see why). Veggie burgers and Tofurky have been around for 35+ years but recently there is renewed…

Eating Animals – Movie

The Eating Animals movie trailer opens with views of shiny metal buildings, manure lagoons, a cattle feed yard and caged poultry.   A voice asks,  “Is this farming?” and then finishes with “I say no.” Doug and Sheila will view “Eating Animals” this weekend…

No Corn, No Soy, No GMO

Of course our Pasture Grazed (Certified Grassfed) Beef is raised without corn or soybeans and GMOs are not an issue.  When it comes to chicken, well they need more than grass and forages.  Cattle are herbivores, chickens are omnivores.  Over the 9 years we…

Mothers On Mission (MOM)

We had some AWESOME visitors to our farm in 2017!  When the group of folks pictured below showed up one cold Saturday morning in November, we were a little over whelmed.  So what brought this large group out for a visit? Mothers On Mission The…